Monday, October 19, 2009

food aversions

We are slowly learning which foods T-bone dislikes. So far he's not a big fan of peas and I'm sad to say, Avocado. Hopefully that will change. I thought these pictures were funny, capturing his dry heaves and yucky faces. The video below is kind of sad because we were laughing at him but he's still cute.


Tasha said...

Those are AWESOME!!!! I cannot stop laughing. I love that you have those pictures and the video. They just crack me up.

Anna said...

Classic! Those pictures are priceless.

Drew and Stormi said...

I love these pictures! I'm right along with you...I laughed soo hard when Kai would gag/dry heave! Try mixing banana with avocado...Kai loved it!

Anonymous said...

Love it! K, he's the cutest ever.

Alisa said...

Bubba hates peas and avocados too. It must be a Clawson thing.

Brooke said...

Too funny! I love it!

Bill Hastings said...

Poor kid!