Monday, July 20, 2009

no longer safe to leave the boy unattended.

In the back room for 5 minutes and this is what I come back to. I think I'm going to have my hands full when he starts crawling/walking.


Bill Hastings said...

Good luck!

Melanie said...

I remember that moment. That vibrating chair won't last much longer if he is doing that!

Anonymous said...

But he's so cute! Good luck...I hear crawlers are tough!

Anna said...

Looks like you've got a Hastings baby on your hands. Escape early, crawl early, walk early, talk early.....
Yup, it's a full time job. None of this leaving baby to play while you get something done.

Whitney said...

Uh-oh... What if he's turning into Christian as a wee one??? Good luck with that.

Tasha said...

So funny! Yep, I think you are going tohave your hands full too. He sure is cute!!

Vauri said...

oh sad day!

Steph Strike said...

shan, tristan is the cutest little guy. i can't wait to meet him!!!! are you going to be in utah in august still? i'm heading back to utah on sunday - i will be at paul mitchell day and night trying to get all of my hours done but i want to see you! i have saturdays and sundays off. email me if you're still planning on coming.
love you

kori said...

hilarious. this happened to me... except when i looked in the bouncer tanner was gone. he was on the floor! Oops