Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Mr. T

Since we take 100 pictures of T a day, I thought that I would post a few.

He's really into Baby Einstein and Curious George right now. Don't judge me for sticking him in front of the TV. :) It buys me about 30-45 minutes a day to get things done. But I love watching him watch the show. He looks so sweet.

He has discovered his feet.

He loves his Dad. It's cool because you can see C in the reflection of his eyes with his board.

He is mastering floor time. Notice his long bangs. Thise are going to get snipped soon.

He's drooling a lot! We go through 3 or 4 bibs a day. Those teeth are getting ready to break through. Also, these mangoes fascinated him, (his namesake while in the womb). He loved playing with them. I think he may be ready for some real toys :).

More to come!


Bill Hastings said...

Love the pix! The one with Christian reflected is especially unique!

Alisa said...

Mastering watching tv is the best skill a baby can acquire! No judgement here :) It's the only way I can take a shower some days.

Tasha said...

so fun! Love seeing all the pictures :)

Whitney said...

Cute. He loves his tongue, doesn't he?

Anna said...


cassidy said...

I love the picture of him grabbing his little feet. He's so cute and getting nice and chubby!

Yes, let's get together soon!

Shannon @FairfaceWashcloths said...

I swear he gets cuter every day!

Gavin and Shawna said...

That little man is so cute. Question: does Christian ever wear clothes??