Tuesday, June 16, 2009

roll over

The other day we were filming Tristan while he was laying on the floor, and he decided to roll over for the first time! We caught it all on film.

Note: Christian is topless because he just got back from the beach. Also, ignore the audio, we think we sound silly.


Marsha said...

So strong! Nama is very proud of little T.
Before you know it, he'll be crawling all over
the place. SO CUTE!

Brooke said...

i love all your updates - but checking your blog makes me want to take a vacation to hawaii!

Tasha said...

So so fun!! I love that you got it on film. How lucky is that :)

Whitney said...

He almost looks confused about what he did. Very cute.

Bill Hastings said...

I love these play-by-plays! So cute.

Anna said...

Gah! Stop changing so much TK! You are going to be a man before we meet you!
Does it freak you out yet how fast it is going????

Anonymous said...

So cool that you caught all of that. But can you just pause until August? This Auntie is missing way too much...