Friday, June 19, 2009

poison dart frog

After a good rain in Manoa, we find these guys jumping around everywhere. They are really tiny; probably the size of your thumb. The skin of the frog contains toxins, which is not really a threat to humans, but it allows them to hang out with their predators if they wanted to. We usually see a few jumping around our house. They are really cute. The picture above is from our walk around the neighborhood this morning.


test said...

you sound like a scientist.

Bill Hastings said...

You should try make a poison dart!

Anna said...

My kids would go nuts. We have about 20 plastic poison dart frogs floating around our house.

Whitney said...

They're so cute. Although, it might freak me out to find them in the house:-)

Shandra and Christian said...

Ha ha Whit, we find them around (outside) the house. Never inside. Thank goodness.