Friday, June 26, 2009

4-month old check up

I was really nervous for this check up because he was getting his second set of shots and the first time around was an awful experience. He cried these noises that I have never heard before. I started crying too because it was so hard to see him like that. So this time I came prepared with his medicine and a bottle for comforting. He was in a pretty good mood today and I was so proud of him. As soon as he got his first shot in his upper thigh, he growled at the nurse. It was so cute! He whined a little for his second shot but he didn't even cry. He's a tough little tyke.

As for his stats. The boy is growing! He weighed in at 13 lbs, at 15% (same percent as last month). His height measured at 24 3/4 in., 25% (last month his height was 5%). And his head circumference is 41 cm., 15% (last month his head was 5%). Doc said that he has the strength of a 6 month old. He passed his push up test and he was impressed that he could almost sit and stand on his own. So strong! T still sleeps 10 hours straight every night. It's nice when he wakes up after me, I can get a few things done. We are so blessed to have a healthy baby boy.

Happy Birthday baby T!


test said...

tyke world peace movement in da house.

Tasha said...

Wow, 10 hours at night! Jealous. I am glad he did so well. he really is such a cutie. And no crying for the shots. What a champ.

Bill Hastings said...

Maybe you won't have a midget after all!

Anonymous said...

So tiny and yet so strong. 6 more weeks till I get to meet the little guy!