Tuesday, June 9, 2009

rebloomed orchids?

I love orchids. This is the first time that I have ever seen our orchids rebloom. The flower usually falls off after a few weeks and then we have a stick plant in our house for a year or two, until I'm over it and think it's ugly and give it away to someone or throw it away because I think it's dead and will never grow back. Our secret this time was to put the stick plant outside on our porch with the direct sun and tons of rain. It took about 6 months or so for these flowers to bloom. Oh so lovely again.


test said...
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test said...

i messed up back there...
but those orchids really are great. as is the natural cotton all over the yard seen in the picture. we truly live in a botanical paradise.

Anna said...

I like your orchids...and the cute lion vid. So adorable.

Tasha said...

Those are beautiful!!

Bill Hastings said...

Mom's had some rebloom recently, too. They must wait until we've given up!

elise said...

pretty! i don't know if you remember, but i was the recipient of one of your stick plants before you guys moved. i water that thing & tried so hard to get it to rebloom. no joke, i just got rid of it about a month ago.