Sunday, March 6, 2011


This sweet boy turned two last month. It makes me so sad that he's not my little baby anymore. I know that I'm pregs and extra sensitive right now, but I had a really sad moment last week thinking about how fast he's growing up and that our world will be changing so soon with this new baby. It was just another reminder to enjoy every moment with this boy. Before we know it, he will be a teenager and may not even like us. That will be sad.

Tristan is probably one of the happiest little boys that I know. It's not hard to make him smile or laugh. I love that he is so high on life. A ball full of energy. He is very social and becomes instant BFs with anyone. We just adore him and love watching him grow and become his own person.

For his birthday this year we decided to take him to Chuck E Cheese for the first time. He invited a few friends and they all had a blast. If we were there any longer, it may have given his mom and dad a seizure with all of the flashing lights and craziness, but the kids loved it. When it was finally time to leave, Tristan cried hysterically for 20 minutes on the way home, and then finally fell asleep. My plan to wear him out worked, which is extremely hard to do. After naps we opened presents, went swimming at the beach, had burgers at Teddy's and then ice cream at Bubbies. Fun-filled day.



Chuck E is kind of creepy to me, but T was pretty stoked on him. This is Tristan trying to give a shaka. We're still working with him.

The little ones waiting patiently for me to light his candles.

He practiced blowing out candles for weeks. Nailed it!

The aftermath.



Two year old stats:
  • 5th percentile for height and weight. 50% for head. :)
  • He insists on having hot foods for lunch, no cold sandwiches for him. He loves tomatoes right now, his all time fave.
  • He still thinks he's Buzz Lightyear. He makes his dad (even his very pregnant mom) pick him up and fly him around the house or down the stairs to the car, as he puts his fists out in front of him and scrunches his face, or else...
  • He will climb anything. No matter how high, no matter how danger. He'll do it.
  • He dances on command. Even if he's throwing a tantrum, we say "go dance", and there he goes.
  • Favorite movies; any Toy Story and now Megamind


Anna said...

He is so stinkin' cute. That face.... It makes me sad we don't get to see you guys more and that the kids don't really know him :( We need to remedy that.

It makes me sick how fast it goes. Lucy is going to New beginnings next week!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT????? I can't believe it.

Courtney said...

He is so cute, his aunty coco misses him. He is so adorable. And it is so sad how fast it goes. Loves to T.

Bill Hastings said...

He is a cutie! The time is flying -- soon he'll have a sister. That will be fun!

Alisa said...

Happy Birthday T-Man!

Chelcie said...

Wish we could've helped him celebrate.. It looks like he had a blast! Cute cupcakes Shan :)

Brooke said...

Happy Birthday Tristan! I am always wishing for pause button. I always get really sad when I see baby pictures of either of my kids and I can't really remember what they were like in the pictures. I wish so much that I would have taken more pictures, journaled more, and more videos.

kori said...

so cute! It's crazy how fast they grow up!