Last year, my talented husband decided he wanted to make Tristan a playhouse out of the Huggies diaper box. He didn't really want to put much effort into it, just make it simple. Cut a hole or two for windows and maybe make it into two stories. Something Tristan can use for his Little People. Well, if you know Christian, you know that he's a perfectionist and would never settle for less when it comes to building models. This was his favorite thing to do back in architecture school. His simple project blew up, and he just couldn't stop. Tristan LOVES this house. We actually have to keep it up high and need to monitor him when he plays with it. One time I left him alone with it for awhile and when I came in the room I found the front of the second level all chewed up! I cried a little bit. That's how much he loves it, he wants to eat it. Christian quickly repaired the damage. So there are a few wears and tears on it from rough play, but not bad for spending under $5 on the whole project! He did a great job on it.
Turns out Tristan prefers to use his cars inside the playhouse. He loves pushing them down the ramp and squeezing them down the chimney.
That House is so rad! I always wanted to go to architecture school - now this makes me want to even more!
This is so cool! I want my room to look like the yellow room
Pretty neat! You can add play houses to your Arkotec product line!
I love that house!
that's amazing! i would totally live in there if i was tiny. good job christian!
WOW - I'm totally impressed!!
That's pretty awesome. Christian has skills.
So cool!
Thats awesome!!
That's really fun. And environmentally friendly. Go, Dee!
sweet playhouse there! love it! i would have cried too if the the second floor was chewed up too.
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