Wednesday, February 23, 2011

30 weeks




Courtney said...

Yay! Baby girl looks like she's doing great. I'm excited to meet her!

Bill Hastings said...

Time flies when you're having fun!

Anna said...

Love the picture of you and Tristan. Love it!!! You look good.
Those last 10 weeks......I hope they go faster than mine did.

elise said...

The first picture is so sweet. And I love your shirt!

Gavin and Shawna said...

Hot preggo mama....and can i please eat that little T???

The last Unicorn said...


D Oesterle said...

You look beautiful Shandra and I love little Tristan...wish him a happy birthday from us on Sat.!!

Alisa said...

Ditto to what Anna said! Those last 10 weeks can be brutal.

Liz said...

Such beautiful pictures! Does the new little Miss have a name?

sara said...

Ahhh, so cute! I just took our "30 weeks" picture yesterday so will have to post it :). You are darling!

Tasha said...

Shandra you are so beautiful! I always forget how close your due date is to Sara's.