Tuesday, May 4, 2010

14 months


Tristan is growing up so fast. I thought that I would record a few things here about our little 14 month old, so we can remember what he was like at this age.
  • He claps his hands together and smiles whenever I say "yay!"
  • He makes his body go limp and screams when he doesn't want me to pick him up; like in the grocery store when he wants to run around and grab food off the shelves. He even doesn't mind when people around him are watching. It's really fun for me.
  • He's signing 'more' and 'eat'.
  • He loves to dance to techno music.
  • He doesn't like missing out on things; therefore he never wants to sleep. Nap time is still a struggle, his morning nap no longer exists. The other night we had friends over for a BBQ and when it was time for Tristan to go to bed, he screamed in his crib for a long time because he just knew that our friends were still in the living room hanging out. He was climbing out of his crib and insisted on hanging out with us, and ended up going to bed after 9:00 that night. Two nights later we were watching Lost with some friends and we had to fake a goodbye with them. Tristan and I walked them to the door and waved goodbye to them. Our friends had to hang out outside until we let them in again (sad! We are so mean). Tristan quickly fell asleep because to his knowledge, no one was out there having fun without him.
  • He's a monkey and can climb anything! He has mastered the stairs, kitchen table, couches. Anything that's high up, he can climb it.
  • When he gets hurt, he doesn't cry. He has fallen over in chairs, smashed many fingers, and has bonked his head over and over again and he immediately just shakes it off and moves on.
  • He's obsessed with water. He finds a puddle and can hang out there and entertain himself for hours. The ocean. I'm surprised the salt water doesn't bother him but he loves getting smacked in the face with waves. He has no fear running up to a big wall of white water. Scary.
  • He talks a lot. But we don't really understand what he is saying, just jibber jabs. And he loves to laugh at his own jokes. He says a jibber sentence and then cracks up at himself.
  • He finds our cellphones and paces around the house with the phone to his ear as though he is on an important phone call. When I try to take the phone away from him, he goes limp and screams, (see second bullet above).
  • He still loves his books.
  • When he hears a dog bark in the distance, he barks back. It's the cutest little noise you could ever hear.
  • When I point to a shark or a dinosaur, he growls.


Anna said...

Ahhh, TK. We are hoping to come visit soon. He is part of the draw!

Anonymous said...

So cute! I love how unafraid of water he is. And I totally relate to his FOMO--fear of missing out! Can't wait to hang out in June!

kori said...

He is so cute! Love those big eyes!

The Thomson's said...

My favorite bullet #2. Poor Shandra. I can totally picture it now. lol We sure do love that little monkey! All that energy and fearlessness will be such a blessing later on down the road. Perhaps much later on down the road, but a blessing none the less. :)

sara said...

OH my gosh, Maggie is doing so many of the same things....isn't it just the best! This is such a fun age!! Tristian is SOOOO cute! I wish they could hang out. :)

cassidy said...

Tristan is so funny. I love that he cracks himself up. And that he likes water so much. We need to hang out with you more...Truman could learn a few things from Tristan!

Bill Hastings said...

Fun post. Enjoy!

Melanie said...

Tristan and Bennett need to go to the beach together. Ben has no fear either. I bet they would love rolling in the waves together.

Danielle said...

Haha! I love it! Tristan is seriously one the cutest kids I've ever seen!

Brooke and Mando said...

I love that you have to have "fake" goodbyes with your friends, for him to go to sleep peacefully haha He is soooo cute! Cant wait to smooch on him!