Tuesday, January 5, 2010

10 months

Tristan touched snow for the first time while in California. While we're on 'firsts', he also wore shoes out for the first time too! Our little monkey boy has become civilized. He was also very confused about all of the extra layers of clothing.
The beach has become more fun for both of us. He loves loves loves the beach. He can keep himself busy in the sand and water for hours. At both surf contests last month, he was content for 9 hours while we watched. That's our boy!
He loves to explore and examine every little thing.
He attended his first birthday party.
We started his library collection well before he was born, which now includes many classics and many Gyo Fujikawa books. Part of his 'night night' routine is reading a book before bed. He loves his books.

Those eyes of his know how to work his mom. One cute glance like that and he gets anything he wants. He knows what he's doing.

A few other developments: He points his finger at everything and everyone. He wakes up about 3 times a night now and is up for the day and ready to play at about 6 am. Lovely. He loves to hear himself scream really loud, especially at the store or even in museums! He has become more attached to his dad. I'm not the only one that can put him to sleep at night now, woo hoo! He is still difficult to be babysat and he doesn't nap.

I guess most of these were set-backs and not developments. :) Happy 10 months T!


Bill Hastings said...

Cute pix; cute kid. 'Twas good to see you all last week.

Whitney said...

Sucks about the sleeping, but he's improving in lots of other ways:-) I'm glad you're getting him started early with the books. So cute!

liz said...

10 months goes by way too fast! Baxter has also started waking up in the night, what the heck is up with that?? Next time you are in town we need to get the babies together.

Anna said...

I recognize that Peek a Boo Baby book...
So cute. Can he really be 10 months?

sara said...

Such a cutie! I love this stage. They have so much personality. We are a BIG fan of Gyo Fugikowa (I know I just butchered his last night) books at our house. They are my FAVORITE!!! And Maggie's too :).

Brooke said...

No naps! I love nap time. It is the calm in the storm of my day. Well hopefully this all gets better for you. Collin used to wake up a lot at night too. I think he was 15 or 16 months before he slept through the night. And it was kind of a long process to get him to that point. He finally slept through the night when I was done nursing him. Jesh had to take over the nighttime and nap time routine.