Thursday, October 23, 2008

Almost self-sufficient

Check out what we've got growing in our yard.

When we first moved here, I thought this was a lime tree. There were so many "limes" on the tree, I picked them when they were bright green to use as my green decor for the kitchen. And to attempt to find use out of them for cooking. Turns out I prematurely picked tangerine oranges. It's a Tangerine Tree! We get so many and it's that time of year where they are almost ripe.

Our Apple Banana Tree. We need to pick these before the birds get to them.

Cotton Tree? What? For the longest time we were wondering why there was so much cotton on the lawn. We thought that the neighbor's dog liked to chew up patio furniture or dolls and the cotton would just blow into our yard. I'm still not convinced that this is real cotton, it's probably something poisonous so if you know what this is, let us know! Or if you get sick from one of our Arkotec pillows, please let us know.


Bill Hastings said...

We've been getting mandarin oranges, too. Now we need a good banana.

Emily C said...

that is so cool you have all that stuff growing!!! i wish i had a lime tree. i love the way they look -best color ever!! and i love them in my diet coke. :)

hope you are feeling well!!!

D Oesterle said...


Anna said...

Ohhh, I bet those bananas are tasty. Save one for me!
And cotton? What?

Anonymous said...

Sweet! Love the fresh fruit. And that is totally cotton. I make my students pick cotton when we talk about slavery. It takes them about a half a hour to clean the cotton from one of those suckers.

Briana said...

That is so cool. You are so living the life......:)

Tasha said...

Now that is awesome! I bet those bananas and oranges are going to be so yummy!!! I love having fruit trees. Enjoy!

Brooke said...

I think that is so cool. I want some!

Anonymous said...

Shandra!!! My long lost HI friend!! its Joanna... hopefully you remember me! I just randomly found your blog- crazy! o.k. so like everyone else, I am completely jealous of your life!! seriously could it be any more perfect?? congrats on the bun in the oven... you look sooo cute prego. um what else. cute house. cute hubby =) Hi Christian!! cute fruit trees growing in your backyard. Looking at all this stuff is taking me down memory lane and wishing I was still there!! I am glad I found you!! maybe we can be friends again!=)

Stefanie Stephenson said...

Wow, look at you, little Hawaiian pioneers! Talk about jealous!