Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Reused Fabric

Savers is not only good for their old-school t-shirts and Reyn Spooner classics, they also have a whole rack of cheap cheap fabric. It's as good as new. It's just leftover fabric that was not used for their project. (wash it of course). Don't get discouraged if you can't find anything your first time, come back again in a couple of days and you would be surprised to see how much new stuff has come in.

This bad boy came out of its box for the first time last year. Thanks again mom.


Brooke said...

thanks for the new link! i'm expecting to see some awesome sewing creations.

The Blakes said...

Haha that is funny! My mom got me a sewing machine for Mother's Day and just yesterday I was sewing new curtains for our trailer. I totally suck though. Looks like I am signing up for a sewing class asap! Thanks for the new link. Love keeping in touch with you!

Danielle said...

I love that fabric! Savers is great -I had no idea they even had fabric, let alone cute stuff. I'll have to check it out next time! So, Derek and I want to have you guys over sometime soon -we'll come up with some ideas and let you know. :)

Gavin and Shawna said...

first time since LAST year...that's funny. Its been at least 5 years since I even looked at mine!! In fact, I have no idea where mine is since we moved here to TX!!
Go crafty woman!!

Anna said...

So are you going to show us your final projects? I love that fabric. What are you going to make?
Rob and Todd and Court are worried I am going to take up sewing and growing pot to make my own hemp for all our clothes...Hah. I'm not that freakish...yet. Maybe I'll just raise sheep and make my own wool.

Anonymous said...

So what are you making? I'm jealous. I secretly want a sewing machine, even if I don't really know how to use it :)

Tasha said...

That is awesome!! I never thought of looking for fabric at savers or any store like it. I definatly think I need to keep my eye out. You got some great finds too. Have fun sewing!

Stefanie Stephenson said...

That's not true, the sewing machine came out when you let me borrow it to sew my ghetto curtains...yes, I'm very high class.

Steph Strike said...

Shan--Love the fabric and I can't wait to see what you make!