Monday, April 8, 2013

Makapu'u Lighthouse

Whale watching season is coming to an end soon so the kids and I decided to go check them out near Makapu'u Point a couple of weeks ago.  Tristan's friend, Nale, came with us.  At first I thought we would just stop at the look outs off the side of the road but then we decided to just head up the Makapu'u Lighthouse trail and see how far we could get.  Haha!  It was quite the adventure going up the trail with 2 four year olds and 1 two year old, but we made it all the way to the top!  And we saw a TON of whales!  

It's a 2 mile hike round-trip and stroller friendly, which doesn't sound bad at all.  But when your two year old decides half way up that she doesn't want to be in the stroller any more, and only wants to be held, AND the bigger four year old wants to ride in the stroller most of the time, then it becomes a little more challenging.  :)  I had the double stroller and at one point I had all three in the stroller!  Betsy threw a few tantrums, but we made it and it was awesome.  

I think I need to wait until B is a little older before I hike with the kids by myself again!

Our view while climbing up one side of the trail:

Searching for the whales:

Just chatting away.  Can you believe they are only 2 months apart?:

Tristan was stoked on seeing the lighthouse this close:

It was super windy when we got to the top!  The boys were throwing the leaves they collected into the air and loved watching them fly.

A view of Sea Life Park, where Tristan spent his birthday this year.

When I asked them to smile for the camera, they both leaned in opposite directions and tilted their heads.  I love these two so much.  I'm glad everyone had a good time!


Bill Hastings said...

Quite a hike! Love the view, and the kids are so cute!

Bill Hastings said...

Great views! And the kids are so cute. I'm impressed you made the hike without help!

Bill Hastings said...

Whoops! Didn't think the first comment got posted!

Courtney said...

I'm super impressed that you did that on your own! The kids are way too cute, and I'm so jealous you saw so many whales!

Whitney said...

Gorgeous scenery, and such cute kids. And no - I can't believe Tristan and Nale are only two months apart. Nale is so tall! That's crazy. The trail part sounds rough. Good work taking three kids out there, Shan!