Thursday, February 21, 2013

Valentine's Week

It seems that Valentine's Day has become more about the kids than Christian and me.  Oh well, it's fun and it's become one of Tristan's favorite holidays.  We were never really big on celebrating it anyways.  

We finally hung these adorable pictures in the kid's room.  They were a gift from our friend, Alyse, who re-designed the image, printed and framed them from pallet wood.  The kid's names are printed on them too.  She's amazing!

The kids and I put together some valentines to pass out to friends and T's preschool class.  Tristan signed his name on each valentine, which was such a chore to do!  We had to break up the signing into three sessions.  Oh, the patience we have as parents.  I'm very proud of him though!  I didn't get a picture of his signature :(

 Tristan had the idea of sewing his dad a valentine bean bag.  We made one a couple of months ago and he's been begging to make another one for dad.  He thought a valentine one would be perfect.  He also wanted to make a couple more for his friends too.

The outfit below was put together by Miss Betsy herself, 100%.  And a tantrum was involved, so I gave in.  We can let it slide now, but this may be a problem when she starts school.  

Valentine's Day morning, the kids woke up to some goodies.  

Tristan had preschool this morning, and carried his valentine cards in his (girly) heart bag I made him.  

Betsy was devastated when we dropped Tristan off to school, as usual.  We both ran a quick errand, went home to finish her valentine cards, clean, snack and paint our nails.  She was so happy to put her cards in her heart bag and pass them out to Tristan's class when we picked him up.  

Betsy loves to read.  She loves all Gyo Fujikawa books because of the cute baby illustrations.  She loves pointing to the children and mimicking their expressions, or tells me, "She's sad", or "He's sleeping".  Fujikawa books are my favorite too!  

A couple of days before Valentine's Day, I cut my finger.  :(  We were walking out the door for church on Sunday and noticed one of the glass window panes was broken on our porch.  We just picked it up and put it in a box to take down to the trash.  It was pouring rain!  So Christian rushed down to the car with Betsy in his arms, and Tristan and I walked a little slower as I carried the box.  As we were headed down, I bent over to help Tristan with something, and the glass from the box started spilling out.  I went to catch it and it sliced my finger.  Genius!  I wasn't sure how bad the cut was at first because there was a ton of blood.  It was kind of puddling on the ground below me.  I knew I needed Christian to help me so I started yelling his name but he couldn't hear me because of the loud rain and I believe they were already in the car waiting.  

Then my little hero jumped into action.  Without even telling him to go get dad, Tristan took off running, as fast as his little legs could carry him.  He yells, "I'll go get help!" as he gets soaked in the rain.  The car was out of my sight so I couldn't see what happened, but Christian told me later that he stood by the car in the pouring rain.  C opened the door and said jump in the car, but he wouldn't, he just stood there for a second, then said "Mom had an accident, you need to help her!  She got cut by the glass".  I think at this point, Christian thought the worst.  He imagined that I slipped in the rain and fell on the glass somehow.  Both my boys ran to my rescue.  Thank goodness it was minor!  But it was bleeding so much and it hurt, I knew that a band-aid wouldn't do the job.  So we went to the ER to see if I needed stitches.  I was naive and thought that we would be in and out quickly, and then could make if for some of church.  Ha ha.  3 hours later, my finger was glued back together and we were able to go home.  Tristan loves hearing this story being told about how he was a hero and saved his mom.  Later that night when we told him again how brave and what a hero is was, he said, "We're heroes everyday..."

I appreciate this finger and everything it does for me so much more now.  
Get well soon, little guy!  
Finger glued together.


Bill Hastings said...

Fun post! Sad about your finger, but great action on T's part!

cassidy said...

Oh my gosh I loved this! Tristan the hero! What a guy. Betsy looks SO old in these pics! And she's talking?! Crazy. Miss you guys!!

Whitney said...

How incredibly adorable are your kids? Wonderful post. So sorry about the glass accident. That's scary. Glad it's gonna be OK. TKan is so level-headed under pressure!

The last Unicorn said...

you do the cutest crafts with your kids! I wish I was crafty... but I am not, my boys will have to settle for sporty :) and ouch! your poor finger! funny how our children become our heros

becca olsen said...

Those picture/frames are adorable! Love it! And what a cute/sad story about your finger! Hope it gets better soon! :)

Courtney said...

You guys are so great. Sad for your finger! I hope he does heal real fast. But seriously, how great is T!?

Gavin and Shawna said...

Betsy's outfit is RAD. Your little man is sweet. Your finger is sad. I want to move to Hawaii. We miss u. The End.

jenn (+ will) said...

your kids are the cutest. i love those bean bags so much! hope your finger heals quick.