Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hiding in the Box

Another big project added to my list is organizing our home videos.  I have big dreams of having files on the computer with our videos edited down, labeled, then sorted by month/year.  I will skip the burning to the dvd step and leave them on the computer because eventually we will have the ability to just plug our comp into our tv and watch them.  This is going to take me a really long time because we have a ton of videos, and who has time to do this kind of thing?  One video at a time.  

Here's a cute one I came across of the little nuggets.  It's a few months old.   


D Oesterle said...

I miss you Shandra, hearing your voice makes me smile! (does that sound corny?!) But it's so true! Your kids are adorable and growing so fast!

Anna said...

Very cute. Looking forward to seeing them in person in August!

Whitney said...

So cute. Love how he puts his arm around her, and love her rump hanging out:)

Courtney said...

Haha. So cute! I can't wait for August!!! I love seeing them together, T bone looks like such a good big brother.