Wednesday, September 22, 2010

dance machine

T has come up with some pretty groovy dance moves. I'm very impressed! The "power stance"? That's the coolest dance move ever invented! And he figured it out all by himself. He's pretty amazing.


Alisa said...

The power stance is pretty amazing.

Anna said...

Love the iPod shaking too. Very cool.
(We love that song at our house too.)

Courtney said...

Excellent moves. I'm excited to see what he does with his future (back up dancer, perhaps?)....

Tasha said...

He is seriously such a cutie.

Vauri said...

So adorable!

The last Unicorn said...

hahaha... the power stance is even better with the saggy diaper!!

Bill Hastings said...

I thought maybe the power stance was all about the saggy diaper! What a kick!

cassidy said...

I was laughing out loud at the power stance! Tristan is a crack up.

Whitney said...

That's very funny. The power stance is the anti-dance: hold still to the music. Wonder how he came up with that.

The Thomson's said...

Oh my gosh! That is so stinking cute. I love that kid!